Feb 3, 2009

Le Ballon Rouge

不曉得看了幾遍侯孝賢的紅氣球之旅(2007)Le voyage du ballon rouge...... ,熟悉的城市色彩,熟悉的街道氣味,熟悉的神經質空氣被隔絕在狹窄的樓梯間..膨脹....膨脹.....膨脹.....
這是52年前(1956)法國導演Albert Lamorisse所執導的Le Ballon Rouge.... .. . .. . ...............
Cherry Coloured這裡有對這部電影的分享

Ball lighting

好幾年前自己作的燈飾,不是我的idea,是看見Marie Claire Maison上這個美麗的燈造型,自己找了材料,先將乒乓球上了色,再一顆顆用針線串起來的。亮個相,別辜負了自己的細心與辛苦....哈!

I made this ball lighting by my self many years ago.....Just like it!

Nicole Dextras

Two large blocks of ice with dresses and text, approximately 72” x 48” x 12” each.
Medium Format Photography. Fibre based prints and digital prints available in variable sizes.

Ice installation done along cross-country ski trail in Pemberton, BC in February 2006.
Deconstructed dresses cast in ice with water from river. Approximately 96” x 24” x 3” each.

Three silk skirts and fabric lengths frozen in shallow moulds and stood upright.
Medium Format Photography. Fibre based prints and digital prints available in variable sizes.

Medium Format Photography.
Fibre based prints and digital prints available in variable sizes.

Medium Format Photography.
Fibre based prints and digital prints available in variable sizes.

dome front

Nicole Dextras.....這個我在Designers' block發現的藝術家....Nicole Dextras取材自春.夏.秋.冬,創造出不可思議的視覺及觸覺的顛覆體驗,你嘗試過將冰凍過的洋裝穿在身上嗎?那件剛剛解凍可還覆著一層冰霜的洋裝摸起來是怎樣的觸感?我很好奇?作者告訴我可以到她的Flickr相簿...mamzellenix去看看她的一些雪地裝置作品與其創作過程,的確,又給了我另一次震撼..........

Party dress in a super big ice block? Can you imagine to dream in a huge "dress dome" ?
Incredible installations art works made by Nicole Dextras who
has been up in the Yukon in northern canada for a couple of months to do ice work..... many thanks for letting me post those beautiful images .
Don't forget to visit her flickr HERE !