Apr 12, 2008

The most beautiful fairy world...Debbie Schramer...〈Ⅰ〉

我在Designers block遇見Debbie Schramer
這是落居猶他州的美國人Debbie Schramer與她的先生一起營造出來的精靈國度!他們的作品,從製作小椅子、小床、小櫃子出發;到繪畫、剪貼、攝影、雕塑,素材則取自於自然產物例如 小樹枝、花朵、落葉、苔蘚...等等。
我知道,這樣的境界,或許是我一輩子也到達不了的層次;從Debbie的部落格可以看見她的成就不只是建築在他們夫 妻倆共同的努力,同時也建築在他們
I am an artist. I began doing my nature art in 1987 when I started creating beautiful little chairs and beds and tables made from flowers, branches, leaves and mosses. I started showing my work at shows and not long after I began creating my little fairy furniture, it was featured in "Victoria" magazine (in the 1991 February issue). I was so excited and happy. I received over 800 letters from the "Victoria" readers. I started getting so busy, my husband Mike was then able to quit his full time job and work with me, which was our dream for a long time....to work together. Now, we create in many other mediums: sculpture, painting, collage and photography as well.

Debbie!Thank you for sharing this beautiful dream!

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