WOOOW!!!!! Today is my lucky day!!!
知名的部落格....Hidden In France....擁有廣大的讀者群,是我每天必定瀏覽的重要部落格之一,五分鐘前收到Hidden In France的通知信函將我的作品刊載於今天2008Nov19的發文當中....這篇發文的主題是wabi-sabi wannabe,作者Corine好奇何謂日本人所謂的wabi-sabi,她找到了解釋如下" Pared down to its barest essence, wabi-sabi is the Japanese art of finding beauty in imperfection and profundity in nature, of accepting the natural cycle of growth, decay, and death. It's simple, slow, and uncluttered-and it reveres authenticity above all.",簡單的說哩,wabi-sabi是一種日本藝術的創作精神,旨在不完美事物當中,探索其最本質、潛藏於深層內在的美。
真是一個大好的機會讓全世界的同好同步看到我的作品,真的太高興了啦!請請請.....親戚五十朋友四十,一定要去Hidden In France看它一看,就算懶得讀英文,光看她的圖片也會有很多的收穫!
I am too excited that Hidden In France has posted my lovely cups and my spiderweb work just 15 minutes ago ,Thank you Corine!
I didn't know what wabi-sabi is but I did like to find the beauty inside the material. Now I know what wabi-sabi is and I'll certainly keep looking for the profundity of the beauty.
It is an honor and a joy to read you
just found you via hidden in france...beautiful all the way to the bottom of the page.
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