Dec 12, 2008

Wabi - sabi is......

Wabi - sabi is the quintessential Japanese aesthetic

It is a beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete.
It is a beauty of things modest and humble.
It is a beauty of things unconventional.

.......Wabi - sabi / by Leonard Koren / Imperfect Publishing Point Reyes, California

昨日的第一次記者會經歷.....熱鬧,好玩,沒有謊言,沒有叫囂,還認識了一些同好朋友,其中.....“拙木創作“的Mr. Lee........巧妙運用了漂流木並結合了乾燥後的纖維絲瓜,設計成為一件又一件既精緻又饒富趣味的燈飾與居家擺飾,他的創作風格自然原始卻不落俗套,氣質清新雅緻 ,所以...我一定要在這裡鄭重推薦他的作品!還有他的部落格,一定要去參觀參觀!

THIS ! is exactly WABI - SABI !
Look..... these floodwood art pieces made by my friend....Mr. Lee are just amazing ! He is an interesting guy I met in the press conference yesterday. Please go to his blog and enjoy this floodwood wonderland!

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