Mar 20, 2009

Kari Herer Photography

Olson House No. 0054

Sliverware no. 1657

Teacup series No.3

Pick Three Woodblocks

影像....記錄有形的瞬間,但絕不只這樣,它同時是一個無限大的載體;承載了物件與色彩的對話;承載了色彩與空間的交流;承載了空間與時間的移動交疊;承載了取影者內心波濤起伏的情緒語言......等等等等才足以構成一篇起承轉合豐富的影像詩篇。Kari Herer Photography是一個美國攝影師,更是一個影像故事的創作家,除了在她的影像中看到了細膩的處理之外,我更是在她的影像空間裡面充分享受到當時存在於空間的那一瞬間的詩意與氣味.....

She is not just a photographer to me, she is more like a story teller. Can you see and smell the beauty of that moment when the story has been shot......? Please visit the "story shop" of
Kari Herer in etsy shop and enjoy those gorgeous...mystical story .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love those photos!